Experimental Surgery II

Advanced techniques and microsurgery

Learning objectives

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:


  • Describe and understand the application of surgical, microsurgical and other techniques used in model induction and sampling in small laboratory animals
  • Understand the importance of correct handling of instruments and tissue during surgery, as well as the use of aseptic techniques and adequate anaesthesia and analgesia, for a successful experiment.


  • Apply basic microsurgical techniques and suturing in live laboratory rodents


  • independently take responsibility to implement and further develop practical skills in the performance of advanced experimental surgery and microsurgery


The participants will be taught basic microsurgery, including microsurgical instruments, ergonomics and a number of different microsurgical standard techniques such as catheterization and anastomoses, through theoretical and practical teaching. The course will further give the participants an increased and broader knowledge and experience in various advanced experimental techniques on laboratory animals, through demonstrations of methodology applied in relation to animal modeling, as well as practical sessions including surgical and other invasive or non-invasive techniques applied for animal model induction and sampling.


PhD-students, postgraduate scientists and technicians who are performing animal experimental procedures, who intend to increase their knowledge and experience in microsurgical techniques and advanced laboratory animal experimentation. Participants should have passed a course in laboratory animal science for at least functions A and D according to Directive 2010/63/EU, Article 23.2 (formerly FELASA C or B courses), and have documented knowledge and experience in basic experimental surgery in small laboratory animals (preferably the course Experimental Surgery I – Basic principles and procedures).




Lectures, e-learning activities, demonstrations, and hands-on practicals. (Approximately 75% of the course is practical work).

Course director

Klas Abelson, PhD, Professor
Department of Experimental Medicine


Each session will be covered by scientists, veterinarians, microsurgeons and technicians, all highly qualified and experts within in their specific field.

Course location

Department of Experimental Medicine
Panum Building, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Copenhagen N and
Frederiksberg Campus, Dyrlægevej 45, 1870, Frederiksberg 


Click here for more information and registration